Friday, 29 March 2019

special assembely

Hi guys, We had a special assembly where our shadehouse was. because of what happened in Christchurch. We all paid our respect. And one person in each culture put in a shovel of dirt in the Kowhai tree because we are Waikowhai and we are strong together. We are all the same and we can stop Racism. In class we made cards for the, Police, Ambulance, School who were in lockdown. The Mosques were called Al Noor and Linwood. we give you all the love. Don't change who are. thank for reading my blogpost about our special assembly.

Tuesday, 5 March 2019

Cameron Pools

Talofa lava and welcome to my blog post about my swimming lessons at Cameron Pools 2019. This year we're going to do the same as last year but as a senior in a different group. On the first day of swimming at Cameron Pools we learnt how to float on our backs and on our tummies. My favorite was doing the dolphin dive and going under water. My less favorite was when I thought that I was going to drown . Anyway I loved going to Cameron Pools and was happy that my friends were with me . Thank you for reading my blogpost about going to Cameron Pools.

Photo Credit: YMCA Auckland